THE STARGAZER’S EMBASSY: Elegant Prose and Silly Aliens

34388814The Stargazer’s Embassy explores the frightening phenomenon of alien abduction from a different point of view: in this story, it is the aliens who seem fearful of Julia Glazer, the woman they are desperately trying to make contact with. Violent and despairing after the murder of the one person she loved, a psychiatrist who was studying abductees, Julia continues to rebuff the aliens until her relationships with others who have met “the things,” as she calls them, including a tattoo artist, a strange man who can take photographs with the power of his mind, and an abductee locked up in a mental hospital, force Julia deeper into direct alien contact and a confrontation about what death means to humans and aliens alike. 

The Stargazer’s Embassy by Eleanor Lerman 

Published by Mayapple Press on July 18 2017

Format: Ebook

Links:  Book Depository Affiliate Link || Amazon || Goodreads


Camillea’s Thoughts

Let me begin by saying that this book was an EXTREMELY slow read. And I’m not interested in books about alien abductions or alien invasion. Ok, ok, so I usually stay away from any alien-related books. So why the heck did I even continue this book?

The main character, Julia Glazer is what many readers would consider the melancholy racked, predictable, and predictable character. This book reads more like a memoir, so don’t expect any space aliens or gory alien experimentation. Not what I expected from the cover.

The theme of The Stargazer’s Embassy borders close to a literary work of the human element, with its thought provoking conversations on aliens and psychology. In fact, the entire concept of aliens trying to invade Earth is given a little twist by the author.

Julia’s problem is trying to sustain a normal life, trying as best as she can to ignore the aliens’ sudden appearance. Not the likely hero candidate for a science fiction novel. There’s no conspiracy, no blowing up of spaceships, not even a “murdered by alien” scenario.

I’ll admit the conception of the aliens in this book is not unfamiliar; with their owl-like eyes and grey skin, who hasn’t heard that one before?

The Stargazer's Embassy

But instead of presenting them as terrifying and merciless invaders these aliens are written as cross dressing, often times mixing up the timeline, with a voice like a screeching cat. And their goal? From my understanding, they’re looking for a place to call home. They tried to fit in but found humans to be the aggressive ones. Which was surprising for me.

It was then that I realized the supposed reality of the novel. In this novel, there is no what if.  Aliens exist, alien abductions exists, and Julia’s trauma exists. You want to be skeptical but the novel draws you in. Fascinating you. Gripping you. Forcing you to face it and that, the realism and the author’s literary skills, impressed me throughout. By the end, the novel turned out to be better than what I had expected it to be.

We’re faced with two separate species disconnected but on common grounds. Both building walls yet desperately seeking a sense of normalcy. Neither is tragic, in fact, both characters – Julia and the aliens – seem to be facing their own existential questions.

As much as I loved the vibe of the book I found Julia and John’s relationship to be thinner than a thread. And I felt there was much, much more to be explored between Alice and Julia, between one who fears the aliens and one who hates them.

So, ultimately, I enjoyed the book even though there were a few tiresome and repetitive scenes, and the pacing would suddenly drop which was disappointing.

If you’re someone who hates reading slow paced books, then I would suggest skipping this, if not, I’m sure you’ll find The Stargazer’s Embassy a brilliant read.


I want to thank Sarah Miniaci from Smith Publicity Inc. for introducing me to this book and sending an e-copy for review.

All opinions are of my own.

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3 thoughts on “THE STARGAZER’S EMBASSY: Elegant Prose and Silly Aliens

  1. Editor of the Sundown says:

    Slow reads aren’t usually my type, but your review made me curious about this one! I like how your personality shines through in your reviews.

    Liked by 1 person

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